It's A Curse, I Tell Ya, A Curse!

I'm not surprised that half of the "Crockett Street Entertainment Complex" shut down overnight. It's the location. Everyone knows that the building across the street has a Voodoo curse on it. Just sayin.'

Crockett Street owners aren't saying why Antone's, Texas Star Bar, the Dixie Dancehall, the Black Cat Lounge, and the Ten Lounge shut their doors, but they are claiming that the joints will reopen in 60 days. What's that about? Staying open for now are the bars Hog Wild and Bobby McGee's, the restaurant Rio Rita's and the Neches Room, which I've never been in but people rent it for various invitation-only shindigs. Oh, and the Spindletop restaurant might also stay open. Or not.


Poppy Robbie said…
What? The building across the street is haunted? ive been on the roof up there and an abandoned top floor loft thing that was ultra spooky...haha.

BennyScrap said…
Kinda sucks to a degree. Hated the clubs on Crockett Street simply because of the douche bag factor, but it was nice to have an extra venue to play at in Antone's. Granted, they charged way too much at the door and their drinks weren't exactly cheap, but it was another venue to play regardless. Ah well, at least we still have the Vortex!
Brent A. Snyder said…
Turns out that one owner was over all those closed Crockett Street venues. Guess that debunks the myths that Antone's Beaumont was in any way connected to Antone's in Austin, or that Tracy Byrd was a co-owner of The Dixie Dance Hall?
BennyScrap said…
That's really no surprise to me in the way that Antone's Beaumont didn't have any blues/jazz acts come through and they totally bought into the nu rock bull shit. The only thing that place had going for it was The Scraps... oh and The Reverend Horton Heat played there twice. And some other damn good local bands have played there(barring some bands that have tons of fans, but really are smoke and mirrors because their music is trash... no names... just initials FF, KD, PP, RT, SV... some of those initials are indeed real, others are fake... figure it out)
Poppy Robbie said…
I heard Walter Umphery owns/owned all that?

So, seriously - curse? What's the story! haha

Brent A. Snyder said…
Story has it that an authentic Voodoo Curse was placed on a particular building across the street from the Crockett Street Entertainment Complex. The building in question houses a corporate-owned media outlet. Any other queries should be directed to Liz Sherman at the B.P.R.D.