Oct. 25 Halloween Band Nite @ The Art Studio

That's a lot of SETX rock for $5.
Wonder what the other "amazing things" are.
If you know, drop me a line at brentblogtx@yahoo.com


cole said…
the ghost of joe strummer will be there to amaze and horrify- and talk politics
BennyScrap said…
Hey, you need to come to the show. There's going to be a fire-walker. And my costume is going to shock quite a few people. You would probably be one of those.
Brent A. Snyder said…
Cole, I feel the ghost of Joe Strummer looking over my shoulder every time I read the news.

Benny, is the fire-walker anything like Firecracker the fire-dancer? She's great.

Are you going to be Obama for Halloween?
BennyScrap said…
Firecracker is the fire-walker, I believe. And no, I'm not going to be Obama. Although, I've been told that my ears resemble Obama's very closely. This is going to be the best halloween costume ever...
Brent A. Snyder said…
Dude, Firecracker performed at the KFG Art Studio show. She's hot. Cuz, you know, fire.