[Dec. 2]: El Floppy Tacos at Madison's. Their name gives me the munchies every time I type it. Fuckers.
[Dec. 4]: Flaw, Displaced, Glory Glory and Warchild at The Scout Bar; Roger Creager at Whiskey River; J. Paul Jr. and the Zydeco Nu Breeds at The Gator Lounge. I love zydeco. Really.
[Dec. 5]: Meshac Jackson and The Echo Vine at The Vortex; and Mike Zito @ Whiskey River. Have you seen that TV commercial for Whiskey River? The one with all the girls that look the same with the bleach-bottle-blond hair and Ritt-dye-black roots? I'm telling ya, it's fuckin' freaky the way they all look like clones. Except for that one dark-haired bartender. She's hot.
[Dec. 6]: La Snacks, Attractive and Popular, Transmography and Ginsu Wives at The Vortex.
[Dec. 8]: Hoobastank at The Scout Bar. Hoobastank! I wondered where the fuck they went.
[Dec. 9]: El Floppy Tacos at Madison's. Again.
[Dec. 10]: Stereoside, Fixer and Boggdown at The Outlaw Drinkin' Club.
[Dec. 11]: Kevin Fowler at Whiskey River. I'm telling ya, those Stepford girls are creepin' me out.
[Dec. 13]: We Were Wolves, Cousin Phelpy, The Amorist and Sour Mash at The Vortex; and Burnt Face Jack at The Outlaw Drinkin' Club. Burnt Face Jack may very well be the best new band name of 2008.
[Dec. 4]: Flaw, Displaced, Glory Glory and Warchild at The Scout Bar; Roger Creager at Whiskey River; J. Paul Jr. and the Zydeco Nu Breeds at The Gator Lounge. I love zydeco. Really.
[Dec. 5]: Meshac Jackson and The Echo Vine at The Vortex; and Mike Zito @ Whiskey River. Have you seen that TV commercial for Whiskey River? The one with all the girls that look the same with the bleach-bottle-blond hair and Ritt-dye-black roots? I'm telling ya, it's fuckin' freaky the way they all look like clones. Except for that one dark-haired bartender. She's hot.
[Dec. 6]: La Snacks, Attractive and Popular, Transmography and Ginsu Wives at The Vortex.
[Dec. 8]: Hoobastank at The Scout Bar. Hoobastank! I wondered where the fuck they went.
[Dec. 9]: El Floppy Tacos at Madison's. Again.
[Dec. 10]: Stereoside, Fixer and Boggdown at The Outlaw Drinkin' Club.
[Dec. 11]: Kevin Fowler at Whiskey River. I'm telling ya, those Stepford girls are creepin' me out.
[Dec. 13]: We Were Wolves, Cousin Phelpy, The Amorist and Sour Mash at The Vortex; and Burnt Face Jack at The Outlaw Drinkin' Club. Burnt Face Jack may very well be the best new band name of 2008.