We Were Wolves In Concert [With Trust Company And Daylight Broadcast]

At The Scout Bar in downtown Beaumont.


BennyScrap said…
You sure have become quite the promotional tool for Scout Bar. Is someone's blog getting paid to be a sponsor? Ha ha ha. Just kidding with you Brent... but seriously. No seriously. Really?
Brent A. Snyder said…
Haha you called me a "tool."

Here's the deal. Someone is e-mailing me flyers and info for Scout Bar shows. I take 'em and use 'em.

Anyone else, be it bands or clubs, [Vortex? Art Studio? Hello?] could easily do the same thing.

e-mail to: brentblogtx@yahoo.com

So e-mail me those Scraps show flyer jpegs!

Dude, I WISH someone was payin' for this. But no ... it's all for free.
BennyScrap said…
I'll give you a dollar if you ever need it bro-heim. Especially in these economically trying times. If I've got a couple bones lying around, you go a couple bones lying around.

Have you seen our website yet? www.thescraps.net? Got some good pictures and shite up there. I'll have to give you some flyers also.

Hypothetical question: Nickelback, Creed, and shittastic drop-d-licious Staind are playing a show in Ford Arena. Do you post a flyer for their show? God save your soul if you answer yes.
Brent A. Snyder said…
"Nickelback, Creed, and shittastic drop-d-licious Staind"

I really hate those bands. I might post the flyer and write "I hate these bands."