Dance Connect The Dots

From Connect The Dots:


2/1 The Shammies @ Star Bar.

2/5 Purple w/ Cousin Phelpy @ The Hole in the Wall.

2/15 La Snacks w/ We Were Wolves, Transmography, and Wish Dragon @ Star Bar.

2/27 Sourmash CD Release Party @ The Hole in the Wall.

3/5-7 South By SouthEast (SXSE) @ The Hole in the Wall & TEN Lounge.

Confirmed Bands: We Were Wolves, The Rocketboys, Grandfather Child, The Roaring '20s, Roky Moon & Bolt, The Amorist, The Research Turtles, Sourmash, Cousin Phelpy, Zachary Silas (acoustic), and many more TBA...Also: Art Expo featuring artwork from members of Lamar University Artist Common, Performances by Baked White Bread w/ a featured member mc'ing each night of the festival, and the official website launch party during which the new site will be revealed as well as the DVD from the Connect the Dots Music Festival!

3/16 GIVERS, JEFF the Brotherhood, and Gonzo Sirens @ Star Bar.
